# 写出生成具最少节点、高度为 H 的 AVL 树的程序,函数得运行时间是多少?

AvlTree MinGenTree(int height, int* lastNode)
  AvlTree T;
    T = malloc(sizeof(AvlNode));
    T->left = MinGenTree(height-1,lastNode);
    T->data = ++(*lastNode);
    T->height = 0;
    T->right = MinGenTree(height-2,lastNode);
    // update height
    T->height = MAX(Height(T->left),Height(T->right))+1;
    return T;
    return NULL;
// Generate minimal AVL tree
AvlTree MinAvlTree(int H)
  int lastNodeAssigned = 0;
  return MinGenTree(H,&lastNodeAssigned);

运行时间为 O (N)。

# 编写一个函数,使它生成一棵具有关键字从 1 直到2H+112^{H+1}-1 且高为的理想平衡二叉查找树。该函数运行时间是多少?

BinaryTree MakeBinaryRandomTree1(int lower,int upper)
  BinaryTree T;
  int RandomValue;
  T = NULL;
    T = malloc(sizeof(TreeNode));      
    if(T!= NULL)
      T->data = RandomValue = RandInt(lower, upper);
      T->left =  MakeBinaryRandomTree1(lower, RandomValue-1);
      T->right = MakeBinaryRandomTree1(RandomValue+1, upper);
  return T;
BinaryTree MakeBinaryRandomTree(int N)
  return MakeBinaryRandomTree1(1, N);

运行时间为 O (N)。

# 编写一个函数以二叉查找树 T 和两个有序的关键字k1k_1k2k_2(k1k2)(k_1\le k_2) 作为输人,打印树中所有满足k1Key(X)k2k_1 \le Key(X) \le k_2 的元素 X。除去可以排序外・不对关键字的类型做任何假设。所写的程序应该以平均时间O(K+log2N)O(K+\log_{2}{N}) 运行,其中 K 是所打印的关键字的个数确定你的算法的运行时间界

void BinaryPrintRange(ElementType Lower,ElementType Upper,BinaryTree T)
  if(T!= NULL)
      printf("%d ",T->data);


# 由一个自动程序来生成二叉树:通过给树的每一个节点指定坐标(x,y),围绕每个坐标画一个圆圈,并将每个节点连到它的父节点上。假设在存储器中存有一棵二叉查找树(或许由此程序生成)并设每个节点都有两个附加的域存放坐标。

a. 坐标 x 可以通过指定中序遍历数来计算。对于树中的每个节点写出这样一个例程。

// Calculate binary tree X coordinate using inorder traversal
void calcX(AvlTree T,int *LastX)
    T->x = ++(*LastX);

b. 坐标 y 可以通过使用节点深度的相反数算出。对于树中的每一个节点写出这样的例程。

Calculate binary tree Y coordinate using level-order traversal.
If you need to use this function, you need to change 
typedef int ElementType to typedef AvlTree ElementType in queueArrary.h
void calcY(AvlTree T)
  Queue queue = EmptyQueue(10);
  int depth = T->height, count = 1, nextcount = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      AvlTree temp =  QueueFront(queue);
      if(temp->left!= NULL)
      if(temp->right!= NULL)
      temp->y = depth;
    count = nextcount;
    nextcount = 0;
// Calculate X and Y coordinates
void Coordinates(AvlTree T)
  int i = 0;

# 写出向一棵 B - 树进行插入的例程。

一句两句说不清,推荐直接去 geeksforgeeks 看,写的老详细了。

#define MIN_T 3
#define MAX_T (MIN_T * 2)
typedef int KeyPosition; 
typedef int BtreeKeyType;
typedef struct _BTreeNode BTreeNode;
typedef BTreeNode* BTree; 
typedef BTreeNode* BtreePosition; 
typedef BTree* BTreeAdress;
struct _BTreeNode {
    int KeyNum;//record number of the keywords
    bool IsLeaf; //check if this is a leaf.true is leaf.false is not leaf
    BtreeKeyType Keywords[MAX_T-1]; //store keywords
    BTree Child[MAX_T]; //store child nodes.
* Insert keywords for the entire tree
* When the tree has only one keyword and is full, a new node needs to be established as the root node of the tree,
* When the root node of the original tree is used as the child node of the new node, the split operation is performed
* Otherwise, directly perform the non-full node insertion operation
BTree BTreeInsert(BTree T, BtreeKeyType Keywords)
    // if B tree is empty
        T = malloc(sizeof(BTreeNode));
        T->Keywords[0] = Keywords;
        T->KeyNum = 1;
        T->IsLeaf = true;
    else //if B tree is not empty
        // if root is full
        if(T->KeyNum == MAX_T - 1)
                 ---------------         -----           ------    
              T->|10 20 30 40 50|  ->    |   |<-X   ->   | 30 | <-X
                 ----------------        -----           ------
                                          /               /   \
                                         /               /     \  
                                T->|10 20 30 40 50| T->|10 20| |40 50|                              
            BTree X = malloc(sizeof(BTreeNode));
            X->KeyNum = 0;
            X->IsLeaf = false;
            X->Child[0] = T;
            T = X;
            //Split the old root and move 1 keywords to the new root
            // New root has two children now.  Decide which of the
            // two children is going to have new keywords 
            int i = 0;
            if(T->Keywords[0]<Keywords) i++;
            BTreeInsertNotFull(T->Child[i], Keywords);
        else //if root is not full
          BTreeInsertNotFull(T, Keywords);
    return T;
* Insert keywords for non-full nodes
void BTreeInsertNotFull(BTree T, BtreeKeyType Keywords)
    int i = T->KeyNum - 1;
		/* When the node is a leaf node, find the corresponding position,
         insert the keywords, and modify the number of keywords */
		while(i >=0 && Keywords < T->Keywords[i])
			T->Keywords[i+1] = T->Keywords[i];
		T->Keywords[i+1] = Keywords;
		/* When it is not a leaf node, find the corresponding child node to determine whether it is a full node, 
        if yes, then split, if not, recursively insert.
             -----                                    -------    
             |30 |                                    |30 60|
             -----                                    -------
             /   \                                    /  |  \
            /     \                                  /   |   \
        ------- -----------------              ------- ------ -------    
        |10 20| | 40 50 60 70 80|   -->        |10 20||40 50| |70 80|
        ------- -----------------              ------- ------ ------- 
		while(i >=0 && Keywords < T->Keywords[i])
		if(T->Child[i]->KeyNum == MAX_T - 1)
			BTreeSplit(T, i);
			if(Keywords > T->Keywords[i])
		BTreeInsertNotFull(T->Child[i], Keywords);
* Split the full node of the child node whose location is N
    ---------------                     ------------------
X-> | 1 50 100 200 |                X-> | 1 50 80 100 200 |  
    ---------------                    ------------------- 
    /  /  \   \    \                   /  /  /   \   \   \      
           \                  --->          /     \
     ----------------                   ------    ---------
Y-> | 55 70 80 85 90 |             Y-> | 55 70 |  | 85 90 | <-Z
    -----------------                  ---------  ---------
    /  /   /  \   \  \                  /   \  \   /   \  \
void BTreeSplit(BTree X, KeyPosition N)
    /*Create a new empty node Z and Initialize the empty node Z, 
    copy the information of the child node Y to the new node Z */
    BTree Z = malloc(sizeof(BTreeNode));
    BTree Y = X->Child[N];
    Z->IsLeaf = Y->IsLeaf;
    Z->KeyNum = MIN_T - 1;
    /* Copy the (Min_T-1) keywords after the child node Y to the new node Z, 
    and change the number of keywords  of the child node Y */
    for(int i = 0; i < MIN_T-1; i++)
        Z->Keywords[i] = Y->Keywords[i+MIN_T];
    Y->KeyNum = MIN_T - 1;
    /* If the child node Y is not a leaf node, 
    copy the child of the node Y to the new node Z accordingly */
        for(int i = 0;i<MIN_T -1; i++)
          Z->Child[i] = Y->Child[i+MIN_T];
    /* Move the keyword corresponding to the parent node X and the position of the child node back one place */
    for(int i = X->KeyNum; i>N;i--)
        X->Keywords[i] = X->Keywords[i-1];
        X->Child[i+1] = X->Child[i];
    /* Add new keywords and child nodes to the parent node X, 
    and modify the number of keywords  */
    X->Child[N+1] = Z;
    X->Keywords[N] = Y->Keywords[MIN_T-1];
    X->KeyNum = X->KeyNum + 1;

# 写出从一棵 B - 树执行删除的例程。

// Returns the node with the smallest key of the root node tree,
//  and the position of the key must be 0
BtreePosition BTreeFindMin(BTree T)
    if(T->KeyNum < 1)
        printf("FindMin failed\n");
        return NULL;
      return T;
      T = BTreeFindMin(T->Child[01]);
    return T;  
// Returns the node with the largest key of the root node tree, 
// the position of the key must be the n-1 value of the node
BtreePosition BTreeFindMax(BTree T)
    if(T->KeyNum < 1)
        printf("FindMax failed\n");
        return NULL;
      return T;
      T = BTreeFindMax(T->Child[T->KeyNum - 1]);
    return T;
* Delete the keyword whose leaf node position is N
* Directly move the keyword after position N forward by one
void BTreeDeleteLeaf(BTree T, int N)
    for(int i=N; i<T->KeyNum-1; i++)
        T->Keywords[i] = T->Keywords[i+1];
    T->KeyNum = T->KeyNum - 1;
// Delete the keyword at position N of the non-leaf node layer
KeyPosition BtreeDeleteNotLeaf(BTree T, KeyPosition N)
    // Get the left and right node pointers of the keywords
    BTree Left = T->Child[N];
    BTree Right = T->Child[N + 1];
    BtreeKeyType temp = 0;
    * When the number of left child node keywords of the keyword currently at this position is greater than or equal to T,
    * Find the key predecessor of the position (the largest key of the left child node)
   if(Left->KeyNum >= MIN_T)
      BTree tmp = BTreeFindMax(Left);
      temp = T->Keywords[N];
      T->Keywords[N] = tmp->Keywords[tmp->KeyNum-1];
      tmp->Keywords[tmp->KeyNum-1] = temp;
    * On the contrary, if the right child node meets the conditions, 
    * find the successor (that is, the smallest key of the right child node)
   else if(Right->KeyNum >= MIN_T)
      BTree tmp = BTreeFindMin(Right);
      temp = T->Keywords[N];
      T->Keywords[N] = tmp->Keywords[0];
      tmp->Keywords[0] = temp;
      //Keyword position moved to the next position
    * When the left and right child nodes do not meet the conditions, 
    * merge the two child nodes
    N = BTreeMerage(T,N);
    return N;
* Merge two keywords whose number is T-1 and the parent node is the child node whose parent location is location
* Connect two child nodes with the keyword corresponding to the parent node as the intermediate value
* and return the position of the child node that needs to be dropped
KeyPosition BTreeMerage(BTree Parent,KeyPosition N)
    if(N==Parent->KeyNum) N--;
    BTree Left = Parent->Child[N];
    BTree Right = Parent->Child[N+1];
    /* Copy the keyword corresponding to the parent node 
    and all the keywords of the right sibling to the node, 
    and modify the n value of the left child */
    Left->Keywords[Left->KeyNum] = Parent->Keywords[N];
    for(int i = 0; i < Right->KeyNum; i++)
        Left->Keywords[MIN_T+i] = Right->Keywords[i];
     /*   Left->KeyNum++;*/
    /* If there is a child node, also copy to this node */
        for(int i = 0; i < Right->KeyNum; i++)
          Left->Child[MIN_T+i] = Right->Child[i];
    Left->KeyNum += Right->KeyNum+1;
    Right->KeyNum = 0;
    /* Change the corresponding keyword and child node position of the parent node */
    for(int i = N; i < Parent->KeyNum-1; i++)
        Parent->Keywords[i] = Parent->Keywords[i+1];
        Parent->Child[i+1] = Parent->Child[i+2];
    BTree temp = Right;
    Right = NULL;
    return N;
// delete keywords in the node
void BTreeDelete(BTree T, BtreeKeyType Keywords)
    int i = 0;
    // find keywords location or descending child node position
    while(i<T->KeyNum&&Keywords>T->Keywords[i]) i++;
    // if keywords is found
        // if keywords is in leaf nodes
        else // if keywords is not in leaf nodes
            i = BtreeDeleteNotLeaf(T,i);
    else // if keywords is not found
        if(T->IsLeaf==true)//Last keyword not found
          printf("the keywords is not in the tree\n");
            Traverse down to find the keyword, if it satisfies MIN_T,continue the recursion, 
            otherwise, adjust the number of nodes in the left subtree or the right subtree first, 
            after MIN_T is satisfied, continue the recursion.
            if(T->Child[i]->KeyNum >= MIN_T)
              BTreeDelete(T->Child[i], Keywords);
                if(i>0 && T->Child[i-1]->KeyNum >= MIN_T)
                else if(i>0 && T->Child[i+1]->KeyNum >=MIN_T)
                  i = BTreeMerage(T,i); 
delete 11
      -------                        ------
 X-> |1 9 20|                    X->|1 7 20|
      ------                         ------
       /   \           ->             /  \
   ---------  ------              ------- ---------    
Y->|4 5 6 7| |11 12|<-Z        Y->|4 5 6| |9 11 12| <-Z
   ---------  ------               ------ ---------
void BTreeBorrowPrev(BTree X, KeyPosition Position)
    BTree Y = X->Child[Position-1];
    BTree Z = X->Child[Position];
    for(int i = Z->KeyNum-1; i >= 0; i--)
      Z->Keywords[i+1] = Z->Keywords[i];
    Z->Keywords[0] = X->Keywords[Position-1];
    X->Keywords[Position-1] = Y->Keywords[Y->KeyNum-1];
        for(int i = Z->KeyNum;i>=0;i--)
          Z->Child[i+1] = Z->Child[i];
        Z->Child[0] = X->Child[ X->KeyNum];
delete 2
      -----                         -----
 X-> |1 4 9|                    X->|1 5 9|
      ------                        ------
      /   \           ->             /  \
     ---  -------                 -----  ----- 
Y-> |2 3| |5 6 7 8|<-Z        Y->|2 3 4| |6 7 8| <-Z
    ----- ---------              ------- ------- 
void BTreeBorrowNext(BTree X, KeyPosition Position)
    BTree Y = X->Child[Position];
    BTree Z = X->Child[Position + 1];
    Y->Keywords[Y->KeyNum] = X->Keywords[Position];
    X->Keywords[Position] = Z->Keywords[0];
    for(int i= 0; i<Z->KeyNum-1; i++)
      Z->Keywords[i] = Z->Keywords[i+1];
        Y->Child[Y->KeyNum+1] = Z->Child[0];
        for(int i= 0; i<Z->KeyNum-1; i++)
          Z->Child[i] = Z->Child[i+1];

实际上书中描述的方法其实是 B + 树,而不是 B 树。

# M 阶 B* 树(B*-tree)是其每个内部节点的儿子数在 2M/3 和 M 之间的 B - 树。描述一种向 B * 树进行插入的方法

  1. 找到第一个兄弟节点,若有空位,插入,没有,移至下一个兄弟节点。
  2. 若插入,发现数据超出规范,把多余的数据移至下一兄弟节点 (大约 1/2), 往复直至不影响规范。
  3. 若遍历完全部兄弟节点,仍无法插入,则开辟新的兄弟节点。

# 编写一个过程使该过程遍历一棵用儿子 / 兄弟链存储的树

// Function to traverse all nodes in a subtree rooted with
// this node
void BTreeTraverse(BTree T)
    // There are n keys and n+1 children, traverse through n
    // keys and first n children
    for (int i = 0; i < T->KeyNum; i++)
        // If this is not leaf, then before printing keywords[i],
        // traverse the subtree rooted with Child[i].
        if(T->IsLeaf==false) BTreeTraverse(T->Child[i]);
        printf("%d ",T->Keywords[i]);
    // Print the subtree rooted with last child
    if(T->IsLeaf==false) BTreeTraverse(T->Child[T->KeyNum]);

# 如果两棵二叉树或者都是空树,或者非空且具有相似的左子树和右子树,则这两二叉树是相似的。编写一个函数以确定是否两棵二叉树是相似的。

// Compare if two binary trees are similar
bool BinarySimilar(BinaryTree T1,BinaryTree T2)
   return T1==NULL&&T2==NULL;
  return BinarySimilar(T1->left,T2->left)&&BinarySimilar(T1->right,T2->right);

# 如果树T1T_1 通过交换其(某些)节点的左右儿子变换成树T2T_2,则称树T1T_1T2T_2 是同构的 (isomorphic)。给出一个多项式时间算法以决定是否两棵树是同构的。

  1. 两棵树为空树,为真
  2. 一棵树为空树,另一棵树不是空树,为假
  3. 两棵树相应位置元素不一致,为假
  4. 若两棵树左子树相应位置左子树为空,转至右子树比较
  5. 若两棵树左子树相应位置右子树为空,转至左子树比较
  6. 若两棵树相应位置的元素一致且左右子树不为空,分别继续转至左子树和右子树比较,否则,分别转转至两棵树不同左右子树比较
    运行时间为 O (N)。

# 由于具有 N 个点的二叉查找树有 N+1 个 NULL 指针,因此在二叉查找树中指定给指针信息的空间的一半被浪费了。设若一个节点有一个 NULL 左儿子,我们使它的左儿子指向它的中缀前驱 (inorder predecessor),若一个节点有一个 NULL 右儿子,我们让它的右儿子指向它的中缀后继(inorder successor)。这就叫做线索树 (threadedtree),而附加的指针就叫做线索(thread)。

# a. 我们如何能够从实际的儿子指针中区分出线索?


# b. 编写执行向由上面描述的方式形成的线索树进行插人和删除例程

我这里实现的是双线索树。还是那句话,建议直接去 geeksforgeeks 看,它比我详细多了,这东西都能直接写一遍新文章了。

typedef int ThreadTreeDataType;
typedef struct _ThreadTreeNode ThreadTreeNode;
typedef ThreadTreeNode* ThreadTree;
typedef ThreadTreeNode* ThreadTreePosition;
typedef ThreadTree* ThreadTreeAddress;
struct _ThreadTreeNode{
    ThreadTreeDataType Data;
    // true is thread, false is not thread
    bool RightThread; //right lead line
    bool LeftThread; //left lead line
    ThreadTree Left;
    ThreadTree Right;
ThreadTree ThreadTreeInsert(ThreadTree root,ThreadTreeDataType Data)
  ThreadTree ptr = root;
  ThreadTree par = NULL;
      printf("Data has already been inserted\n");
      return root;
    par = ptr;
    if(Data < ptr->Data && ptr->LeftThread ==false)
     ptr = ptr->Left;
    else if(Data > ptr->Data && ptr->RightThread ==false)
     ptr = ptr->Right;
  ThreadTree temp = malloc(sizeof(ThreadTreeNode));
  temp->Data = Data;
  temp->LeftThread = temp->RightThread = true;
  if(par == NULL)
    root = temp;
    temp->Left = temp->Right = NULL;
  else if(Data < par->Data)
    temp->Left = par->Left;
    temp->Right = par;
    par->LeftThread = false;
    par->Left = temp;
    temp->Left = par;
    temp->Right = par->Right;
    par->RightThread = false;
    par->Right = temp;
  return root;
// find the element at the tree and delete it(replace it with a right subtree minimum)
ThreadTree ThreadTreeDelete(ThreadTree root,ThreadTreeDataType Data)
  ThreadTree par = NULL, ptr = root;
  // set true if key is found
  bool found = false;
  // The while loop traverses to find the Data location
  while (ptr!= NULL)
    if(Data == ptr->Data)
      found = true;
    par = ptr;
    if(Data < ptr->Data&&ptr->LeftThread == false) 
      ptr = ptr->Left;
    else if(Data > ptr->Data && ptr->RightThread == false) 
      ptr = ptr->Right;
    printf("the data %d is not in the thread tree\n",Data);
  // two children
  else if(ptr->LeftThread==false && ptr->RightThread== false)
    root = ThreadTreeDeleteTwoChildren(root,par,ptr);
  // only left children
  else if(ptr->LeftThread==false)
    root = ThreadTreeDeleteOneChildren(root,par,ptr);
  // only right children
  else if(ptr->RightThread==false)
    root = ThreadTreeDeleteOneChildren(root,par,ptr);
  // no children
    root = ThreadTreeDeleteLeaf(root,par,ptr);
  return root; 
ThreadTree ThreadTreeDeleteLeaf(ThreadTree root,ThreadTree parent,ThreadTree T)
   root = NULL;
  else if(T == parent->Left)
    parent->LeftThread = true;
    parent->Left = T->Left;
  else if(T == parent->Right)
    parent->RightThread = true;
    parent->Right = T->Right;
  return root;
ThreadTree ThreadTreeDeleteOneChildren(ThreadTree root,ThreadTree parent,ThreadTree T)
  ThreadTree child;
  if(T->LeftThread == false) child = T->Left;
  else child = T->Right;
  if(parent == NULL) root = child;
  // left children
  else if(T == parent->Left) parent->Left = child;
  // right children
  else parent->Right = child;
  // find successor and predecessor
  ThreadTree succ = ThreadTreeFindSucc(T);
  ThreadTree pred = ThreadTreeFindPred(T);
  if(T->LeftThread == false) pred->Right = succ;
  else if(T->RightThread == false) succ->Left = pred;
  return root; 
ThreadTree ThreadTreeDeleteTwoChildren(ThreadTree root,ThreadTree parent,ThreadTree T)
  // find inorder successor and its parent
  ThreadTree parsucc = T;
  ThreadTree succ = T->Right;
  // find leftmost child of successor
  while(succ->LeftThread == false)
    parsucc = succ;
    succ = succ->Left;
  T->Data = succ->Data;
    root = ThreadTreeDeleteLeaf(root,parsucc,succ);
    root = ThreadTreeDeleteOneChildren(root,parsucc,succ);
  return root;
// find successor or left leaf node(used in delete)
ThreadTree ThreadTreeFindSucc(ThreadTree T)
  // find successor
  if(T->RightThread == true) return T->Right;
  // find left leaf node to delete
  T = T->Right;
  while(T->LeftThread == false) T = T->Left;
  return T;
// find predecessor or right leaf node(used in delete)
ThreadTree ThreadTreeFindPred(ThreadTree T)
  // find predecessor
  if(T->LeftThread == true) return T->Left;
  // find right leaf node to delete
  T = T->Left;
  while(T->RightThread == false) T = T->Right;
  return T;
ThreadTree ThreadTreeFindMin(ThreadTree T)
  if(T==NULL) return NULL;
  while(T!= NULL) T = T->Left;
  return T;
ThreadTree ThreadTreeFindMax(ThreadTree T)
  if(T==NULL) return NULL;
  while(T!= NULL) T = T->Right;
  return T;

# c. 使用线索树的优点是什么?


# 二叉查找树预先假设搜索是基于每个记录只有一个关键字。设我们想要能够执行或者基于关键字Key1Key_1 或者基于关键字Key2Key_2 的查找。

# a. 一种方法是建立两棵分离的二又树。这需要多少额外的指针?

2N 个指针,因为有两棵节点为 N 的二叉树。

# b. b. 另一种方法时使用 2-d 树,2-d 树类似于二叉树,其不同之处在于,在偶数层用 Key1 来分叉,而在奇数层用 Key2 来分叉。编写一个向一棵 2-d 树进行插入的例程。

2-d 树又叫 K-D 树。还是之前那句话,去 geeksforgeeks 看,要详细讲这里压根讲不完。

// Inserts a new node and returns root of modified tree
// The parameter depth is used to decide axis of comparison
// where 0 represents the x-axis and 1 represents the y-axis
static kdTree kdTreeInsertRec(kdTree root, kdTreeDataType point[],unsigned int depth)
   // calculate current dimension (cd) of comparison
   unsigned int cd = depth % DIM;
   if(root == NULL)
      root = malloc(sizeof(kdTreeNode));
      for(int i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
        root->data[i] = point[i];
      root->left = root->right = NULL;
   else if(point[cd]<root->data[cd])
     root->left = kdTreeInsertRec(root->left, point,depth+1);
     root->right = kdTreeInsertRec(root->right, point,depth+1);
   return root;
// Function to insert a new point with given point in
// KD Tree and return new root. It mainly uses above recursive
// function "kdTreeInsertRec"
kdTree kdTreeInsert(kdTree root, kdTreeDataType point[])
  return kdTreeInsertRec(root, point, 0);

# c. 编写一个高效的过程,该过程打印同时满足约束Low1Key1High1Low_1 \le Key_1 \le High_1Low2Key2High2Low_2 \le Key_2 \le High_2 的树的所有记录。

实际叫你写的是 K-D 树的范围查找,而这第十二章有例程....

// Print a point in the K D tree(default 2 D tree).
// It satisfies the following conditions:
// 1. Low[0] <= point[0] <= High[0]
// 2. Low[0] <= point[1] <= High[1]
static void kdTreePrintRangeRec(kdTree root, kdTreeDataType Low[], kdTreeDataType High[], unsigned int depth)
  // calculate the current dimension (cd)
  unsigned int cd = depth % DIM;
  if(root != NULL)
    if(Low[0] <= root->data[0] && root->data[0] <= High[0] &&
       Low[1] <= root->data[1] && root->data[1] <= High[1])
       printf("%d %d\n", root->data[0], root->data[1]);
    if(Low[cd] <= root->data[cd])
    if(High[cd] >= root->data[cd])
// Print a Point in the K D tree(default 2 D tree). 
// It mainly uses kdTreePrintRangeRec()
void kdTreePrintRange(kdTree root, kdTreeDataType Low[], kdTreeDataType High[])

# d. 指出如何扩充 2-d 树以处理多余两个的搜索关键字。所得到的树叫作 k-d 树

2-d 树是由在偶数层用 Key1 来分叉,而在奇数层用 Key2 来分叉形成的。
那 K-D 树则是由 K 的关键字,K 个不同的层来分叉形成的。